Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mr. Utility Worker, My BFF

I know you are all impressed that I figured out how to upload videos. I am truly a technology genius.

For those of you who have not heard my "bad mom" story you will appreciate the following:

In late August I was out running errands with Addison. By the time we got home she was sound asleep, so I unloaded her from the car and dropped her in the house before I started to unload our bags. Apparently, out of habit, when I brought her in the house I locked the knob to our back door. Also out of habit I dropped my keys in the bowl by the front door and the diaper bag on the kitchen stool. I then went out to unload the car and slammed the back door shut behind me. With the keys and my cell phone inside. And, oh yeah, my baby was in there too.
I was locked outside, locked in our parking lot because you need a key to get of our gate, and unable to get into my baby. I thought about scaling the fence...I even attempted it. Keep in mind that 6 weeks prior I had pushed an 8+ pound baby out of my nether-regions...scaling a fence? Not smart.
So I went into pure panic mode ~ it was at the height of my panic that I spotted a utility worker for a company that will not be named. I asked to use his cell phone to track down my spare set of keys and explained to him my stupidity. He was very sweet and calming.
After I had arranged for Roberto to bring me keys, my neighbor came down the alley and opened up the gate. Mr. Utility Worker said "I can probably get you in your house"...which he did very quickly with an old credit card (note to self, from now on always bolt doors). I hugged him and professed my undying love to him and the raced inside to comfort my screaming baby (I could hear her screaming the entire time I was outside). Mr. Utility Worker went about his day and I called Berto to tell him all was right in the world again.

For the record, that screaming I kept hearing was in my head...Here is exactly what Addison sounded like (turn your volume up loud) during this drama...
By the way I saw Mr. Utility Worker again today. We exchanged hugs and chatted. He met Miss Addison. Turns out he is the utility worker for my building...think he'll get a holiday bonus from me this year? HELL YES!

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