I found her on her tummy with both legs caught between the rungs of the crib. I quickly got one leg out, but the other was stuck. When I say stuck I mean it...for a minute I thought I was going to have to go find some olive oil and grease down her leg to free it. I finally got it loose and picked up my poor babe for some snuggles...but her poor little thigh was bright red for a good 45 more minutes.
Needless to say I installed a our crib tent today...well, kinda. The tent part wouldn't fit over our crib, so I cut it off and now all sides are protected with mesh to prevent legs, arms, toys and pacifiers from escaping. It's a little ghetto with the tent part cut off, but it'll do for now and when we move into our new house I'll install new mesh bumper.
Our what? Yep, our new house!!

Plenty of room for visitors.... after May 27th.
Mr. Squirrel will be staying behind at Floral Avenue.
Ooh, I like it! And we'll be "Ridge" buddies. I am on Winding Ridge Rd. Amazing what you can get for your $ outside of Chicago, uh?
Congratulations!! I cannot wait to come and stay in your new house!
Love the house! Congrats! You better get an inspector just to make sure there was no earthquake damage from the Quake of 08!
COngrats on the new house!
Congratulations on the house - what a grown up idea!! The video was amazing it was like spying on Addison. She is so smart and clever. Has she made the leap to creeping? She seemed like she was still stuck.
How exciting - congrats on your new home!!!
Ah! Congratulations!
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