Those table manners were quite disappointing to my stepmother, Kathy. She was ready for cake chaos. She had the wading pool set up and a bathing suit waiting for Addison for the big cake clean up. Kathy wanted cake from head to toe and everywhere in between. Sadly, Addison did not perform. Silly girl and her silly manners.
She did, however, decided to make up for her lack luster performance on Sunday last night while we celebrated her birthday with the Neyer clan.
She opened presents (toys and clothes and dolls, a one-year-old's dream) and then was given her birthday cake.
In any case, Addison seemed to enjoy having another cake. Instead of blowing the candle out, she tried to grab it (luckily my mighty breath extinguished it first) and instead of licking, prodding and touching she DUG IN. Mmmmm...we don't have video, but the pics say it all.
The REAL Addie comes out at home! It's so nice that she can use her manners when she's out. Well done Baby Girl!
I think your cake is beautiful!! P.S. Happy Anniversary!
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