proved at the end of Christmas Eve
Our celebration started with Johnson Christmas in Chicago on the 20th, and continued with: Neyer Christmas on the 23rd, Christmas Eve at GG's and Christmas Day at our abode. Addison made out like a bandit. I am pretty sure that she has more clothes and toys than most children in the civilized world. Some highlights were:
Nemo; Her LU sweatshirt that matches her Daddy; A new baby doll, complete with bottles, carrier and stroller; A variety of fake food products and her own grocery cart; A ton of girly clothes; An Elmo tub toy that propels itself through water; Dress up Minnie Mouse; Her own tool set (a la Handy Manny); A learn to dress monkey; A new wooden puzzle of bugs; Little People About Town set; and (finally) a lion rug.
Needless to say, this list is nowhere near exhaustive. My house looks like a cross between a toy store and children's clothing boutique. To be clear, however, she also thoroughly has enjoyed tissue paper, empty boxes and all of Rylan's toys.
Christmas Day was spent at our house with Gramma Kathy, Grandma Patty, GG, Aunt Nikki, Aunt Kimmie and Rylan. We played games, ate A LOT and watched The Little Mermaid. It was exhausting, but wonderful. While Addison was spoiled by so many gifts, I think she was just as blessed to be able see all of her immediate family within the Christmas week....
In case you were wondering, Andy & I were spoiled quite a bit too, we got some wonderful things: A LU Rambler dart board; Additions to our Christmas china; A fireplace tool set; Tons of pool accessories (that's Andy's); A spa gift certificate (that's mine) and loads more....You are welcome economy. I think our family has done our part!
Sounds like lots of fun and chaos.
LOVE her pajamas! ;)
Sounds like so much fun! I am so glad the weather worked out and everyone was able to get together. It was great seeing you and spending the day together!
So I think the big question is - does Little Mermaid live up to Nemo's standards?
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