Monday, September 13, 2010

Carolina Bride

Most of the day was full of little smiles, a few tears and nervous giggles. The sky constantly changed moods, threatening to rain. The ceremony had to moved inside, but the wedding was happening no matter what Mother Nature's intentions. Chicken salad sandwiches and fruit salad was washed down with Sparkletinis.

Hair was coiffed. Makeup was applied. The photographer, cake and flowers arrived right on time. Slowly friends and family started to show up - the nervous giggles and small smiles faded away to grins and all out laughter. The wedding coordinator (aka: Brian) kept us on time and on task.

The dress was on...the bride was ready. The groom was waiting. And then the tears came - her's not mine. The 'oh my god I'm getting married' tears. The 'this is the day I've been waiting for' tears. The 'I'm about to walk down the aisle with my father to my husband' tears. The 'crap I'm crying and I have $70 worth of make-up on' tears.

I blotted a tissue to her eyes and said it was time to breathe...and walk her ass down that aisle. And through the tears, she smiled, gave me one those Christie looks and said "But these are good tears".

By the time she made it to the end of the aisle she was all smiles - and so was he. And so was every guest in the room

And then they got married. And their happily ever after started.
And the bride? The bride was fabulous.


~Laura said...

Your friend is a very pretty bride. Congrats to all!

Gibby said...

Beautiful photos! Weddings get ya every time, don't they?