Wow. Remember this? Being intentionally thankful? Yeah, I barely do too - but here it goes:
On this Thursday I am thankful for:
A wonderful week with friends who redefine the phrase "friends are the family you choose". Nothing compares to being with people who know you, all your flaws and falsehoods and love you all the same.
A better week in school. At least a better week of mornings. No raised voices or stomping feet or angry Neyer ladies. I am thankful for a few moments spent at the bus stop as opposed to running for the bus.
The chance to learn how to edit the few images I manage to grab that are worth keeping. Wednesday nights this month I have been taking a Photoshop Elements class - two hours on my own learning about something that interests me. I'm also pretty excited that my neighbor generously lets me borrow her 75-300mm lens. Wowzers.
Twenty two months. What a blast twenty two months is. I had forgotten how silly and sweet and chatty an almost two can be. Brenna chatterchoos all day long. Asking questions, naming the people she knows, pointing out everything she can label, singing, calling to the kitty. Nap time is blissfully quiet, but the sound of her little voice is oddly missed.
The arrival of fall weather. I know that I should have been loving and soaking up every minute of the 80 degree weather that we've been bombarded with, but I am an Autumn girl. I have been waiting for my clogs, for long sleeves and scarves, and at last it's here.
8:00-8:30 each morning. Brenna climbs on my lap with her milk, baby and bunny, snuggles up and says ooh aah aah please. Ooh aah aah mommy. And just like that Curious George is once again a part my everyday life.
A quite weekend on the horizon. Family time, a Saturday play date and dinner.
Chapter books at bedtime and request to be sang to. One asks for Baby Mine, one demands You are my Sunshine (sunshine mama, SUNSHINE.)
Finding a few moments to sit down and type. I miss writing, sharing, analyzing, documenting. I miss being here.
Yay! You're back!
I am thankful you posted again! Should I expect you again tomorrow?
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