We're still here, really we are.
Maybe the fact that I have not sat down to write since June is an indication as to what our summer was like here in Neyer land. I think I spent more time in my car driving than I did sitting in my back yard enjoying my garden.
We traveled to Surf Side Beach, SC for a wonderful week with the Flaherty clan. We trekked to Oak Island, NC a few weeks later for a week of beach and hurricane adventures. A few weeks after that we packed up the car and headed east for Massachusetts for my brothers wedding. Sprinkled through out the summer were weekend trips to Akron, Carmel and Chicago. We had guests for a week, a garage sale that purged our house of one percent of clutter and an unexpected and scary week long trip back to Chicago.
Addie went to camp, Brenna moved into a big girl bed, Andy and I lost out on a lot of sleep. Soccer started, school started, music class started, dance started. I've been training for a half marathon, Andy's been hitting the gym; hummus has replaced pepperoni as a our go-to snack.
Floors have been mopped, lawns mowed, landscaping attended to. Addie has lost baby teeth and permanent teeth are beginning to crowd her mouth. Brenna has figured out how to jump and hop.
Life has just kept happening and happening and happening and somehow I have gotten lost in the chaos. I find myself exhausted in the mornings, exhausted in the evening and a whirling dervish in the hours in between. I find myself incredibly short on patience and perspective.
By neglecting this space, however, I feel like I am neglecting my voice a bit. I am neglecting the kids and their stories. At one point I spent far too much time on the computer updating the blog, Facebook, Instagram and far too little time playing. Now I feel as though I spend far too much time spinning my wheels - cleaning off the same counter six times a day, folding the same clothes, turning off light switches again and again and again and never finding time to document the ride.
So in an attempt to save my sanity I will work on finding my voice again. Seeing the humor in motherhood. Sharing the burden and journey so that I am reminded I am in this with lots of other people - for which I am eternally grateful.
1 comment:
Welcome back blog!
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