Friday, May 16, 2008

Chicagoward Bound

At noonish today I am dropping little Miss Addie E. off at Great Grandma's (GG) house and hitting the road for Chicago. The last time I spent two nights away from my little darling was Jill and Brian's wedding. I had a great time, but I definitely had forgotten that I was mommy and not a rock star. After a handful of mishaps, I feel like that lesson has been learned.

Translation: I don't enjoy vomiting and I can not bounce back from a martini bender like I could in the old days.

Anyway, Addie and GG are going to hang out for the day until Andy picks up his babe after work. It's just the two of them this weekend. Addison is excited for Daddy time and can't wait to go meat shopping in Findlay Market and grilling at Grandma and Grandpa's. We had a little talk and she promised to do her best to try to take it easy on Daddy. She said:

She'll try not to spit too much food at him.

She'll try not to throw any major temper tantrums.

She'll attempt to go down for naps without too big of a fuss.

She'll try not to make a huge mess with her toys.

She'll attempt to sleep in until at least 6:45 a.m.

This is a whole lot for a baby to try to do in two and half I think it'll be a successful weekend if she achieves even one of these goals.
I'm writing this as she is in her room throwing a tempertantrum about taking her morning nap...When I say tempertantrum I mean earth shattering, heart breaking screaming. Turn off the monitor and turn on the shower screaming. Non-stop, asserting myself, I will be heard damn it, screaming! Hopefully she'll have this out of her system for her day with GG!!

So have a fabulous weekend with your Daddy baby girl...I will miss you, but mommy is ready for a weekend in Chicago playing with her friends and having lunch with her Daddy.

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