Saturday, May 10, 2008


This morning I woke up to Andy getting up with Addie and giving her a bottle.
I got out of bed to the smell of coffee brewing, bacon sizzling and eggs scrambling.
I didn't even have to do the breakfast dishes, instead I got to stack up and knock over blocks with Addison on the living room floor.
What a great start to a great day.

After Addie's nap we headed downtown to Findlay Market. The three of us mixed in with the throngs and browsed the stalls. There were fresh veggies, cheeses, handmade pottery, candles, soaps, specialty meats, baked goods. There were rows of flower vendors. One store boasted 29 varieties of olives. There were coffee stands and people playing the guitar. There was a wine shop - hosting a tasting. I have found part of my Cincinnati heaven.

Andy & I bought ribs, sausages, flank steak, potatoes and mushrooms for dinner. We sipped wine, and a bought a bottle or two. We enjoyed the sunshine.

After a quick stop by Grandma & Grandpa's we are home. Andy is cutting the grass. Addison is playing with her toys. The smell of baking ribs is drifting down the hall. There's a bottle of Rose in the fridge. I am planning on heading to UDF for a pre-dinner milk shake.

Today is a good day.
Did I mention my Mother's Day gifts came a bit early? Addison signed me up for three months of Flower of the Month and three months of red wine of the month. How freaking special and loved am I??

To top it all off, the Cubs game is being televised. I get to watch my Cubbies in 70 degree sunshiny weather...and watch the fans in Chicago all bundled up. I love today.

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