Saturday, November 22, 2008

Girls on the Run

This morning Addison and I bundled up (NBC news called this morning the "coldest morning" in the past year) to go downtown with Genna and Elise and cheer on a "Girls on the Run" 5k. I have wanted to be involved with this organization since I first heard about it while training for the Chicago Marathon...and cheering today served to remind me of that.
It was well worth braving the cold to watch such determined and adorable girls proudly run along the river.

Elise and Addison enjoyed snacks of goldfish crackers and hot chocolate, while Genna and I savored our hot coffees. After the race we let the girls run a bit wild in the playground and then headed back to the car for some well needed warmth.

MOM, LET ME GO PLAY! Maybe I'll hug you later...

Addison is now sleeping and snoring upstairs, and Andy just turned on the Ohio State game...looks like nap time for me...

1 comment:

Kathy said...

What a discreet little outfit....can't loose her in a crowd!