Thursday, December 11, 2008


I thought the scariest thing in the world was when Addison learned and mastered walking. She now is able to run away from me, get up and down stairs, climb up on furniture and generally keep me on the move. I am slowly realizing, however, that mobility may not be the scariest things...the ability to talk may be instead.

It's no secret that Andy and I don't have the most pristine mouths. We both had to suck on our share of soap back in the day. Andy and I talked, when Addie was about 9 months old, about starting a swear jar and we quickly realized that we would be broke. However, overall I feel like we have done a decent job of cleaning up our language although once and a while we do fall off the cussing wagon (I can't help the fact that my grandma had the mouth of a longshoreman...I think it might be genetic).

We noticed a few weeks ago that Addie was making a noise that sounded an awful lot like "shit". Not only did it sound like she was cussing, but she seemed to be cussing in appropriate situations. One afternoon she slipped and fell on her bottom in the kitchen and then, I swear I am not exaggerating, she slapped her hand on the floor and said "Shit!". I about died.

So, needless to say, we have made a concerted effort to clean up our horrid language and I haven't heard my sweet cherub say anything too offensive lately (although my cousin's boyfriend did offer to teach her the word "truck" to see where she'd take it from there. I offered to kill him).

The point being we have been working on more age appropriate words for my babe...

Translation: 1. Mommy 2. Daddy 3. G G (great grandma) 4. Moo 5. Arf Arf 6. Meow 7. Oo Oo Aah Aah


Sue said...


Kate C. said...

Mother f*&%r. Just kidding. She is too cute. I am excited for her to say "Kate" when I'm in town :-)

Does she know what Santa says?

Kathy said...

EXCUSE ME??? Where is Gramma? There will be a test when I get there! I can't wait!

Nikki said...

I believe you stole my trick... its supposed to be who loves aunt Nikki?!

Sue said...

Kathy: Be prepared, I've heard Grandma is the hardest one to say. My nephew just points at my poor Mom.