Where I have, over the years, become more and more enamored with Christmas, my sweet groom has continued to huff and puff about my desire to hang garland, decorate a tree and listen to sappy, although sometimes peppy, holiday music.
Well, my-oh-my, have times changed. I mean, don't think for a minute that Andy is asking me to pop in Harry Connick Jr.'s Christmas album, nor is he suggesting that we get a trio of lit deer for the front yard. But he did get in the car and drive to Brookville, Indiana to get a tree yesterday.
I know you are in shock. Well settle in, because there is more to this story.
After cutting down our tree, he helped scout his mom's tree. THEN, he and Brian not only put Grandma's tree up, but Andy put the lights on it. THEN, he suggested trimming it. THEN, the came home and put our tree up AND put on the lights. After all that, I let him enjoy a nice glass of red wine. (I'm nice like that. Put that on your list Santa.)
THEN, tonight he, Addison and I (with the assistance of Aunt Nikki) trimmed our tree. WHO IS THIS MAN? I don't care, I'll keep him. Perhaps the joyous noises of Whoville have finally touched my Grinch's heart.
As we trimmed the tree tonight, Aunt Nikki would hand Addison an ornament. Addison would then look at the ornament until Nikki said "Go bring that to Daddy" or "Go bring that to Mommy"...without Aunt Nik's instructions I don't think the ornaments would have ever made to the tree. But the tree got trimmed, and it is sparkling in the living room...and we are all happy.
Well, all of us except Santa's newest reindeer. She might be a little Grinchy.
Two comments
1) Harry Connick's Christmas album is AWESOME. (OK, not so much a comment as a known fact...)
2) How did you get a candy cane that big and how did you put it on your cat's back?!
Who is this man,INDEED? Where did you put the real Andy?
Is she sitting on poor Michelob?
All this holiday cheer make me think of "It was the night before Christmas". If only I had a video ...
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