Thursday, April 2, 2009

She's sleeping right now. She is wrapped around giraffe and her juice cup.
Yes, I said her juice cup. In bed. Yes, I know that is a parenting sin.
C'est la vie.
We had a whirlwind day fighting off our colds and spreading our germs to unsuspecting Costco shoppers. Genna, Sharon and I did a little Costco grocery shopping experiment (as suggested by Real Simple) to see if we bought in bulk together,and then shared, if we would save money. We are giving this technique a resounding "Hell Yes". It was fun to shop together and just as fun to separate out our goods on the patio table while the kiddos ran amok in the yard.

The point being, by the time Addison went down for a nap, it was about three hours past her normal nap time and when I suggested she put down her juice cup, she practically turned herself inside out and went into the silent scream.
It was not a war I was willing to wage. I threw up the white flag, sang her "her" song and tucked her in. And it's quiet now. And the groceries are put away. And I'm blogging....

I thought that you might enjoying knowing that after my (almost well received) diatribe on Tuesday I have been super productive. The dry cleaning has been dropped off. The oil in my car is changed. Five loads of laundry are folded and two cycles of the dishwasher have been emptied. I've cleaned the kitchen at least four times. The credit card bills are paid and the final deposit for vacation has been mailed.

And, somehow, I also found time to play baby baby beauty shop (SO FUN!):


Kathy said...

Ooooh, soooo purdy! Does she just love it?

By the way, I'm very proud of your steping up to the plate and posting your little progress reports. If Mommy is happy.....

ck said...

How on earth did you get her to sit still long enough to get such an even sheen?

That is so impressive.

My nails (on the rare occasion that I remember to do them) don't even come out that good.

Jessica said...

So happy gramma is for the polishing I just have MAD mommy skills!

JayJohnson said...

GREAT song...