Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

Sean and Ali's sweet little Henry for finally deciding to grace us with his presence. Welcome to the world Henry Ryan!

Two weekends in a row in Chicago. Last weekend we got to spend QT with much loved friends; I got to meet Miss Elizabeth Rose (about time!) and logged quality time on Keelin and Berto's couch. This weekend I will get QT with the family and get to embarrass the bride with one more weekend of bridal festivities.

Adorably pink Crocs covered in lady bugs - sometimes I wish adult could pull off the shoes of a three year old.

Being okay with not vacuuming myself out the door. The house is a mess. The air conditioner isn't working and there are piles of laundry on the basement floor. It goes against my nature (and everything my mother taught me) but it can all wait for my return.

The mama robin that decided to take up residence in our patio tree. Addie loves watching her sit on her nest and we are both looking forward to seeing the babies.

Elastic-wasted pants. Let's be honest I am thankful for these even when I am not pregnant!

Being that much closer to the Flaherty Family Beach Invasion - there is NO doubt that a fabulous time will be had.

My husband. Last night when I informed him that I couldn't face trapping one more tarantula sized wolf spider in my basement he took care of it without hesitation.

Thankful Thursdays. Not every week have I remembered to be thankful. In fact, this week is my year anniversary on embarking on thankfulness and my 35th Thankful Thursday entry.

Sometimes the list that I made was short or superficial, sometimes it was long and heartfelt. Occasionally being thankful became a chore - but mostly I am reminded that I have so much to be grateful for.
I am blessed with people who take the time to read the rants I put in this little space.
With a family, near and far, who love me.
With a husband who works hard so that I can be home with our daughter and appreciates me for me.
With friends who remind me to laugh and give me endless strength.

I have clothes in the closet, food in the fridge and flowers in my garden.
And for all of that, and SO much more, I am truly thankful.


Mich said...

well said lady, well said.

Sue said...

I am thankful for you and your blog, and the joy I feel each time I see you have a new post! Also thankful I got to see you 2 weekends in a row!!

ck said...


I'm sorry I've been online so little that I didn't already know you were pregnant. Yay for you guys!

(And a big YAY for your husband's willingness to handle the spider business on your behalf. The idea of spider that size makes my heart flutter.)