Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cuties and a Kitchen

I don't even understand how she got into or stayed in this position...but I loved it because I got to get a shot not only of that adorable face, but of those stinkin' cute Sketchers.  I mean, really, what five month old doesn't need a pair of designer kicks?

Yes, five months old.  Yes, I am, yet again, delinquent in posting the monthly photo.  Maybe tomorrow I will slap a sticker on her onesie and take a picture, that is if I can find a corner of my house that isn't covered in dust and grime...or if there is a corner that isn't piled high with pieces of my kitchen.

We are a week in to the kitchen remodel and so far I haven't cried.  It helps that my neighbors have let me sit in their kitchens and yards.  It majorly helps that Andy and I ran away to Louisville for the night and had a beyond amazing dinner and few moments to ourselves.  It helps that my mother-in-law's fully functional kitchen is 1.4 miles away and that I had a Groupon that was expiring this week to The Wine Guy
Here is the progress so far:

Just keep breathing, just keep breathing...


Kate C. said...

That is a great floor!

Mich said...

A whole week in and you haven't cried?! You have earned yourself a bottle of wine my friend. Nice work!

TKW said...

I think I just died at the cuteness.

Roger Flory said...

little brenna is adorable! and yay for wine groupons!