Sunday, June 1, 2008

We are sticky. We are tired. We are totally over painting.

Andy and I were able to get our dining room, living room and Addison's room painted this weekend. We accomplished this largely because Addison spent 36 hours at Grandma & Grandpa Neyer's house. We didn't think it was good parenting to expose her to the plethora of curse words that we were mumbling while sweating to death in her room. Just getting the not so pretty flowered border off her walls took all Friday night and all of our patience.

Addison's room is "fruit compote", or what we are calling "holy freaking sunshiny yellow". Our dining and living rooms are now whatever gold/mustard/peanut butter color the previous owners painted them and Cincinnatian Hotel Vandersall Red (a fancy name for "adobe").

Our dining room isn't maroon and gold like we had initially planned, but our Rambler pride still lives on in our hearts - just not in our dining room
Thankfully we also set up the patio set, where we sat late last night and enjoyed a few cold brews (and maybe a glass of wine or so). We're done painting for now...Now we just have to scrub the 4 gazillion paint splatters off our bodies.
And, oh yeah, maybe do some packing.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Love the choice of yellow! It is my fave color, and was also the color of my childhood bedroom. :) Can't wait to come try out that patio furniture.