Friday, August 22, 2008

Our conversation today in the car:

Addie: (in sweet high pitched voice, while pointing out the window)Da. Dadada. Da.
Me: Hmmmm? Those are trees.
Addie: Dadada. Da. Da.
Me: What? A cow? A cow says moooo.
Addie: Da. Da. Da. Dadadada.
Me: A kitty cat? A kitty cat says meeeooow.
Addie: Dadadada. Da. Da.
Me: You know what a doggy says! Woof ruff woof ruff.

So on and so on with several more animal noises and several more Das.

Toward the end of our conversation I realized I really need some adult interaction.

1 comment:

LaurenK said...

Funny, I think I have had that same conversation with Ploth after his company outing to a Cubs game.