Monday, October 4, 2010


This Saturday, in a burst of familial bonding, we trudged three hours north of sunny Cincinnati to cold, cloudy Bowling Green.
It was homecoming weekend at BGSU, where Aunt Nikki is a sophomore, and it was also the second anniversary of Addie's Grampa's passing. Being together to laugh was what was on the menu.
We had visions of tailgating and beer and hot tubs and silliness. In those visions we did not foresee rain, wind and clouds - nonetheless we motored on.

Uncle Dickie brought his truck, loaded down with a grill, coolers of beer, hamburgers, brats and mets. There were pounds of salami rolls and chips and dips and wine spritzers. Luckily we remembered the tent to shelter us from the rain and a few last minute purchases (gloves, grilling utensils and bags for cornhole) made the day a success.

Addie was a excited to go on a 'picnic' and loved adding the term 'tailgate' to her vocabulary. She reveled in the attention of her family and gaped at the marching band, dance team and cheerleaders. In fact, she may have picked up a move or two.

While the rest of the family sat in the frigid stadium Addie and I retired to the soft bed and warm blankets of the hotel...we obviously outsmarted them all.

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