Having gotten past my cursed pumpkin carving abilities. After last year's disastorous cat and the pumpkin I carved several years ago with the Brookses, I thought I was doomed to be a kindergarten level carver. This year, however, I pulled off a Tinkerbell and a happy pumpkin - go me.
The weather starting to turn a bit cooler and being inspired to whip up three different batches of soup. I love soup, I could happily eat it every day.
Chik-fil-a's free kid Tuesday. Brilliant! I get a grilled chicken salad, she get's nuggets. There is time to play, there's a wandering cow to hug, free balloons and this week? This week there was a fancy face painter.
Preschool - it gives me a few minutes to myself to think, blog, shop, read, putz around or clean. Addie also loves it and wakes up wanting to go to school. (Today I managed to run an errand, make Andy and I breakfast, toast pumpkin seeds and do some laundry - see? Preschool rocks!)
The fact that my daughter absolutely loves my friends. In fact she loves them so much that she insists that they are her friends and she demands to talk to them on the phone and follows them around when they are in town - and then she begs them not to leave.
Deciding to make Addison's ballerina costume. My mom never bought costumes and as long as I can get away with it, neither will I.
Firepits with good friends, good wine and mini-marshmallows.
Firepits with good friends, good wine and mini-marshmallows.
At long last, a weekend that should be restful and quiet.
And, obviously, an excuse to use orange text - Happy Halloween!
1 comment:
First, what is Addie doing in the first photo?
Second, Karen's mini marshamllows were fantastic especially with the melted snickers.
Third, I think adults who where goofy headbands are the coolest!
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