This Thursday I am thankful for:
An unexpected night out at Playhouse in the Park to see Second City does Cincinnati: Pride and Porkopolis. It was chilly, and I stole my friend's husband's ticket, but the show was funny. Funny and child free.
Sugarcookies with crushed peppermint candy canes. Okay, they are NOT low carb, but they are delish and minty and sugary. Yum.
A neighbor who snowblowed my walks and driveway at the beginning of the week and lent me his snowblower for today's more impressive snow.
Returning Cinderella II and Cinderella III to Blockbuster. I could not take one more viewing of either movie.
Addie's recovery. Surgery was a bigger deal than I had thought and recovery has been more painful than I anticipated - but she's been a trouper and I've gotten more cuddles than ever.
Zima tomatoes - so sweet. So delicious. So orange. What a great new discovery.
The return of Maggie the Elf - she makes our mornings exciting and Addie knows she is being watched. And on occassion that knowledge make a difference.
Having another adorable picture of Addie and her very much still alive furry friend to add to the collection.
Getting my Christmas cards addressed, stamped and sent - one less holiday chore to complete.

Having slept through the night last night. Through the night, people! That hasn't happened since LAST Wednesday. Holla!
Trying a new hairdresser and loving the results. She trimmed Addie's hair nicely and gave mine some style. You know it must be a good hair cut when it gets two compliments from my always loving, but not all observant husband.
Getting Christmas cards in the mail - I love seeing all faces of friends and friends' children. It makes trudging out to the mailbox in the cold worth it.
Having a sister-in-law who heard the desperation in my voice and gave me a few hours to Christmas shop with out my mini-me in tow.
Finding this picture of Addie and her Aunt Kimmie on my camera two days after I was given the chance to escape and shop.
2 super cute pics! Although, someone should tell Addie's mom that the holiday-du-jour is Christmas and not Halloween.....
Sweet post. I had a dream last night about you having a fabulous haircut, not even kidding. :)
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