The weather on the shore was nothing short of perfection, with sunny, breezy days and beautiful nights. This year the house was brimming with activity - six adults, two toddlers and one infant; for good measure we mixed a teenager into the fold for 24 hours.
We feasted on tuna steaks, fish and shrimp tacos, milkshakes - and in my case - Doritos. With two pregnant ladies and one nursing mama, the silliness was a bit more understated this time, as was the alcohol consumption. Without the presence of Phelan, no hard liquor appeared and almost a case and half of beer was packed for the trip home. Christie and I did good work on polishing off some non-alcoholic beer, wine and champagne, but it just wasn't the same.
The little alarm clocks thought that 6 a.m. was a perfectly reasonable time to start the day and they often could be heard giggling well past bedtime in the room they shared. Seashell necklaces were made, crab hunts occurred, beach walks were taken and the gigantic sand pit made a late week appearance for toddler entertainment.
Andy played golf twice on two beautiful courses and had one of the best games he's ever had. There was beer surfing and horseshoes and tidal pool sitting. For my part, I took a break from my Kindle and dove head first into Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (it was a reread before seeing the final movie) and The Passage (an incredibly good, yet creepy book). You know it's a good vacation when two 700 pages plus books were devoured.
Now we are planning to shake the sand out of our belongings and settle back into reality. There is laundry to be done, a refrigerator to fill and bar that needs to get finished being built. We have play dates to get to and swim lessons to resume. Just around the corner is "Pretty as a Princess Dance Camp" and a week long trip to see Gramma Kathy in the Berkshires. Next thing I know the air will be chilly around here and we'll be preparing for the new arrival....and I know I will need a moment or two to look back at these photos and remember the simple magic of the beach.
Sounds like a magical week. Cannot believe that there was beer leftover! Times are a changin.....until next year when you are back in business!
So glad you're back, and that you had such a lovely trip. Gorgeous family photo (your belly is looking GOOD)!
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