Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thankful Thursdays

On this Thursday I am thankful for:

An early morning.  It is rare that I am thankful to awoken at 5 a.m., but oddly today I am.  I got some sweet snuggle time with Brenna, have done five loads of laundry, logged a workout, cleaned Addie's room and am enjoying a second piping hot cup of coffee.  To be this productive before 9 a.m. is a good feeling.

A lunch date with my neighborhood friends.  While I see each of them almost every day, I feel like I am usually waving from the driveway or shouting hello as one of us heads off to run errands.  Yesterday we got to sit down, while the kids frolicked in the yard, and really talk and catch up - a perfect midweek break.

My memories.  It's no secret that these days I can barely remember where I am, but earlier this week I was able to sit in a few moments of silence with my memories of a beautiful, loving, hilarious man and truly feel enveloped in his love.  It's hard to believe that it's been four years since Bob passed.  I am so thankful that Addie and Rylan knew their Grandpa, and I know all our stories will keep their memory of him alive and create a legend for Brenna and Cameron. 

Seeing such an amazing man live on in his grandkids.  I particularly see him in Brenna - she has his ridiculously tan-able skin and the same mischievous sparkle in her eye that he always had.  Ry and Addie have his stubborn streak and his quick ability to laugh.  Genetics are an amazing thing.

It being Thursday.  Thursday means that Andy will be home.   He has been on the road pretty much for the last two weeks and while we got to spend fun times in Chicago last weekend with him, his ladies are ready him to be home with us.

A wonderful Chication.  We escaped to Chicago for a few days last week, taking in an amazing Ben Harper concert, playing at Navy Pier for several hours, exploring the beautiful Loyola lakeshore campus, meeting up with Papa and Grandma Johnson, and unwinding with a slew of our Chicago friends.  We were spoiled with laughter, RumChata and a fabulously fun Oktoberfest gathering.  We are always thankful for the wonderful friends we have in Chicago, but even more so when they let us invade their homes and lives for extended periods of time (Gracias Keelin & Berto, Sean & Ali!).

A few days spent cleaning and organizing our home.  I feel as though I have been away from our little nest all summer - and trust me, it needed some TLC.  I rearranged and cleaned out the play/guest room; scrubbed and freshened up the first floor and made some minor updates to our bedroom - all of which make me feel oh so productive.

The fact that my dear friend was not on the ferry that sank in Hong Kong.  Everyone knows that I can be  a bit of a drama mama, but I must say that when I saw the news story about dozens of people dying during the Mid Autumn Celebration in Hong Kong I was worried.  I knew that our friends had plans to join in the festivities and I knew that their five year old desperately wanted to check out the ferry system.  I managed to keep pretty calm, but I must say the email letting me know that all was okay was one of the best emails I had gotten in awhile.  It's okay to mock me...I know I am fretter.

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