Oh, hi, there.
You're still here? Really? That is so kind of you. I surely don't deserve the 30 seconds you just took to navigate your way over here.
So here we are - 2014. The kitchen is cleaned up, Miss B Bear is still sleeping soundly even though it's 8:21 a.m. The school bus left 35 minutes ago, I'm caught up on Game of Thrones, and my cup of coffee is begging to be enjoyed.
Us Neyers survived the chaos of the holidays and the first of the year. Our house is bursting at the seams with new toys and gifts. Addison is heavily into her Rainbow Loom - she has gone to Rainbow Loom classes at Michael's, and we are now officially subscribed to a Rainbow Loom channel on YouTube. If you need a pretty elastic accessory, we are the people to talk to. Brenna's latest joys are playing MegaBlocks and coloring. She builds towers and houses every day, and as much as she loves building, Andy and I are pretty convinced she likes cleaning up her blocks just as well. Yesterday she spent several minutes standing about three feet from the blocks container trying to throw her blocks in it. Each time she missed, which was every time, she would look confused and mutter Oh darn it, one her favorite things to say. When she isn't immersed in blocks, she sits at the kitchen table scribbling masterpieces for neighborhood. She has quite the color sense, I must say.
Over the course of the past few months I have found myself short on patience and quick to raise my voice. It has been frustrating and borderline ridiculous - so this year instead of resolutions that I never follow, I thought I would just try to be a little more present, a little less distracted, a lot more patient. So far it's going slightly better.
Speaking of being better, we have decided to be slightly healthier humans over here. Our family joined the YMCA at the end of October and Andy and I have both been working out at least three times a week since then. Somehow being more active has parlayed into eating better too. Our house has been well renowned for cream cheese products and pepperoni - these days you more than likely will find us snacking on hummus and skinny pop popcorn. It's crazy. There have been nights where our entire conversations revolve around what new exercise we did at the gym, our split times on the treadmill and what appropriate serving sizes are. Don't get me wrong, people. our fridge is still well stocked with beer and wine, and when our friends suggested the house made donuts when we were out last weekend, we didn't think twice about sharing a double order.
They are predicting more snow and a freezing mix later this week - which means I'll be housebound, as Cincinnati shuts down at the mere mention of snow. Perhaps I'll find a way back here for a bit - I'd like to. I won't promise though because I just don't want the guilt of breaking my word.
How nice to see you here for my lunchtime reading! Love picturing B tossing the blocks and muttering. :) Hooray for the Y, we love it! And I just heard Skinny Pop is made in/around Chicago, so woohoo there too. Good luck weathering the snow! (PS I'll always be here lurking, you can't get rid of me.)
Welcome back to the blog! Was so happy to see a post when I checked. Have you tried the pepper skinny pop or the white cheddar? Both are delightful.
Also - you have an excuse - the polar vortex!
Great catching up and hope to see you in March!
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